
Release of GlitchSprinkler Plugin / GlitchSprinkler のプラグイン版を公開

GlitchSprinkler Manual (github.io)

GlitchSprinkler plugin version is ready. Download link is available on the manual page linked above.

GlitchSprinkler is a synthesizer specialized to play fast arpeggio. It is mostly the same as the web synth version, but a resonant low-pass filter is added. It has some character that comes from integer sample period and a bit unusual note stealing.

By making the period an integer sample, it is possible to make it appear as though aliasing is not present to the human ear. This method is faster to calculate than proper anti-aliasing, but has a side effect that makes higher notes to be out of tune. It also can't work well with pitch bend.

The note stealing affects rhythm. A note changes or stops only when the oscillator completes the current cycle. This jitters the rhythm especially when the tempo is fast, or the note is low.


GlitchSprinker のマニュアル (github.io)

GlitchSprinkler のプラグイン版を公開しました。ダウンロードは上にリンクしたマニュアルページからできます。

GlitchSprinkler は速いアルペジオに特化したシンセサイザです。 Web シンセ版とほとんど同じですが、ローパスフィルタが追加されています。音については、周期が必ず整数サンプルになることと、変なノートスティーリングによる独特の癖があります。

