

Try ResonantDrop (github.io)
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ResonantDrop is a synthesizer that is made to test resonators. It can resemble the sound of small falling objects by using a multi-tap delay that shifts the start of the sound.

Complex one-pole resonator is used. I was wondering that if I could utilize this complex filter, and took imaginary part without much thought. It turned out that the gain response looks similar to second-order resonator.

Transfer function of real and imaginary output of complex resonator is currently documented as a comment in source code.


ResonantDrop を試す (github.io)
ソースコードを読む (github.com)

ResonantDrop はレゾネータを試すために作ったシンセサイザです。音の出だしをずらすディレイによって複数の小さな物が落ちたときのような音を作ることができます。

今回使ったレゾネータは 1 次複素レゾネータ (complex one-pole resonator) です。適当に虚部だけを取り出してみたところ、 2 次レゾネータの特性と似ていたのでそのまま使いました。
